CicLAmini provides an opportunity to connect with Angelenos and communities throughout Los Angeles County in an entirely new way.
Participants are invited to walk, bike, skate, run, and enjoy the open streets on select Sundays! CicLAmini works hard to provide a safe and secure environment for all participants. By familiarizing yourself with the following information, you can help make CicLAmini a great event for everyone.
As consideration for being allowed to participate in a CicLAmini, all participants are deemed to have released from liability and waived any right to sue its organizers, their employees, officers, volunteers and agents from any and all claims, including claims of negligence, resulting in any physical injury, illness (including death) or economic loss suffered as a result of participating in this CicLAmini.
By participating in a CicLAmini event, each participant understands that there are risks, such as physical and/or psychological injury, pain, suffering, illness, disfigurement, temporary or permanent disability, death or economic loss. These injuries or outcomes may arise from a participant’s or other’s actions, inactions, or negligence, or the condition of the location (s) or facility (ies). Nonetheless, participants assume all known and unknown risks of participation in CicLAmini.
The Basics
- CicLAmini is FREE!
- February, December, and CicLAmini routes run on a slightly different schedule. Please review event pages for more specific details.
- CicLAmini closes streets to car traffic and opens them for people to walk, skate, bike, play, and explore parts of Los Angeles County.
- CicLAmini is not a race! There's no starting point or finish line—begin where you like and enjoy the day your way.
- CicLAmini traffic flows in two directions, just like regular traffic. Check out more rules of the route.
Timing Your Trip
CicLAmini lasts from 10am–3pm* (*February and December routes end at 3pm due to Daylight Savings Time)
Please budget your time accordingly. Make sure you return to your point of origin or final destination by 3pm to avoid car traffic when the route reopens.
Share the Road
Cars are not allowed at CicLAmini, but any other form of non-motorized transportation is. Be aware of how people around you are traveling—biking, walking, skating, etc.—and respect their right to the road.
Monitored Intersections
Police, transit officers, and volunteers will be at crossing intersections to monitor the flow of participant and car traffic. Riders and pedestrians must stop at car and pedestrian intersections when told to do so.
Please monitor your speed going downhill. Also, stay within the speed of the flow of traffic when it is too congested to pass.
There are often mandatory dismount locations. There will be signs at the dismount locations and volunteers instructing riders to dismount.
What To Bring
- Helmet: We highly recommend that everyone planning to come on a bike, scooter, skateboard, rollerblades, skates, and other wheeled forms of people-powered mobility wear a helmet at CicLAmini. Don’t worry- we are big fans of helmet hair. Helmets are required by California law for all kids under 18 if they are on a bike, scooter, skateboard, skates, or other types of geared or wheeled transportation.
- Water bottle: Bring a reusable water bottle. We offer water refill stations at each Hub.
- Sun protection: Bring your favorite hat and apply sunscreen.
Biking with Children
Our friends at REI have a comprehensive information and video page about biking with children. Please take the time to review this information if you plan to enjoy CicLAmini with children.
Experienced Riders Recommended
CicLAmini is not an ideal place to teach a child, or an adult, how to ride due to the heavy flow of bike, board, and pedestrian traffic. While we encourage participants of all ages and skill levels, we strongly suggest that children and all participants learn the basics of bike riding before participating in the event route.
At CicLAmini, the Safety and Well-Being of our Participants is our Primary Concern
We work closely with local authorities to provide as safe and secure an environment as possible. We also partner with other local agencies that provide additional security elements along the route and at public transit locations.
Law Enforcement and Emergency Personnel
The Los Angeles Police Department provides a strong security presence at CicLAmini. In addition, there are emergency medical technicians stationed at each Hub, and other response personnel is available along the route.
In case of an accident, go to the nearest Hub to report it to a staff member. If you are between Hubs, look for the nearest uniformed officer, responder, or event staff member.
If you notice any suspicious activity or a suspicious package, immediately report it to the nearest staff member or uniformed officer.
Contact Staff and Volunteers
Staff can be identified by the t-shirt that says STAFF on the back. Volunteers can be identified by the t-shirt that says VOLUNTEER on the back.
Staff members and volunteers can assist you in finding the answers to questions and help find the right person to respond to emergencies. If you are missing a member of your party, have been in a minor accident, or have been part of an incident, please contact staff at the nearest Hub. This is often the fastest way to ensure police officers or emergency personnel respond to the situation rapidly and effectively.
*February and December routes end at 3pm due to Daylight Savings Time
Group Meet Ups: Walk/Run Clubs, Feeder Rides
Please note these are not official CicLAvia events, please contact organizers for details and participate at your own risk.
Planning a feeder ride, walk, or run and want to add it to our site? Email us or share it on our Facebook event page!