Activities abound along the CicLAvia–Meet the Hollywoods route! You can also check out shops, eateries, local gems, and activities along the route using our interactive digital map.
All Hubs will have:
Free water stations and restrooms
First Aid stations
Bike parking
Free pedicabs – provided by AARP Los Angeles, the pedicabs stop at each Hub's Info Booth, so just look for the sign and the yellow umbrella! First come first served.
- Free bike repair
There are a lot more activities and goings-on at individual Hubs:
West Hollywood Hub
8800 Santa Monica Blvd, West Hollywood 90069
- Swing by the Metro Bike Share tents at the West Hollywood Hub to learn more about the bike share program, grab a bike and pick up limited-edition swag! Metro Bikes will be available on a first-come, first-served basis at the tent. Skip the line and plan ahead by downloading the Metro Bike Share app to purchase a pass. Don’t forget to tag @bikemetro on social, and always remember to return your Metro Bike to a station or to a Metro Bike Share team member at either Walk of Fame Hub or West Hollywood Hub to end your trip! Get a 30-day pass during CicLAvia weekend (8/20-8/21 only) for just $5 with code BIKECICLAVIA22 in the app and online to keep riding all month
- Stop by the West Hollywood City Clerk’s booth to make sure you’re registered to vote!
- Don’t miss the public art in West Hollywood! Visit two sculptures in the median by Peter Shire, a Los Angeles artist who is most recognized for being a member of the postmodern Italian design group Memphis.
- Visit other City of West Hollywood Department booths to learn about various services, and future planning efforts within the City!
- Bike repair provided by Hollydale Cycling Club
Near the Hub
- The City of West Hollywood takes pride in its public art programs (Art on the Outside and Urban Art) and continues to improve the public realm with temporary and permanent art installations throughout the city. For more information visit:
Plummer Park Hub
7377 Santa Monica Blvd, West Hollywood 90046
- Relax in the AARP play zone while catching up over vintage board games. Fun for all ages! They will also have giveaways including their Portraits of Communities Commemorative Tap Cards, backpacks, and bike lights (while supplies last).
- Don’t miss ‘Yolki Palki’ by Los Angeles artist Tanya Brodsky, a collection of brightly colored sculptures that don’t quite work as playground equipment: each one is too tall, too short, missing key elements, or installed at an absurd relationship to the one next to it.
- The entrance to Plummer Park will have a COVID19 Testing Site!
- Enjoy the shade inside of Plummer Park, and stop by the park after CicLAvia at 5 pm to enjoy the City of West Hollywood's free Summer Sounds Concert series featuring M&M The Afro-Persian Experience.
- Bike Repair Brought to you by Rangels Bicycle Shop
Walk of Fame Hub
6815 Hollywood Blvd, Los Angeles 90028
- Visit the LA Phil’s booth where they will have information about their current and upcoming concert season, and free swag including stickers, tote bags and water bottles. Take a photo with their "Bowlie" backdrop and tag them on social media to get a promo item.
- Swing by the Metro Bike Share tents at the Walk of Fame Hub to learn more about the bike share program, snap some pics in our photo booth, grab a bike and pick up limited-edition swag! Metro Bikes will be available on a first-come, first-served basis at nearby stations and at the tent. Skip the line and plan ahead by downloading the Metro Bike Share app to purchase a pass. Don’t forget to tag @bikemetro on social, and always remember to return your Metro Bike to a station or to a Metro Bike Share team member at either Walk of Fame Hub or West Hollywood Hub to end your trip! Get a 30-day pass during CicLAvia weekend (8/20-8/21 only) for just $5 with code BIKECICLAVIA22 in the app and online to keep riding all month.
- Does your child need a helmet? Stop by the California Highway Patrol booth and get fitted for a free kids helmet (while supplies last).
- Stop by the LA County Department of Public Health COVID 19 Vaccine pop up - offering all vaccines and boosters for all ages! Walk ups or optional registration here.
- Join LADOT to learn more about projects to create safer streets, including plans for Mid City Greenways, Venice Blvd, and more. Share your ideas for making LA a better place to walk, bike and roll!
- LADWP will provide information about electric vehicle rebates, conservation tips, program discounts and rebates. You can also charge your phone, powered by a solar trailer.
- Visit Council District 13's booth to learn more about the various projects they are working in the district.
- Sign up for a free Los Angeles Public Library card and look for the roaming Book Bike distributing free books to people with library cards.
- Bike Repair brought to you by REI
Near the Hub
- Capture your day with a photo at the roaming Snap Yourself photo booth! Keep an eye out for them between the Walk of Fame and Hollywood Blvd Hubs.
- Check out the Hollywood Farmers’ Market at Hollywood and Ivar (open 8am-1pm). Grab lunch from a variety of prepared food vendors and stock up on delicious produce. Free bike valet available. If you make a purchase at the market, stop by the Market’s info booth at Selma/Ivar for a FREE limited edition CicLAvia button.
- The Los Angeles Historic Theatre Foundation (LAHTF) will be at the shuttered Warner Hollywood Theatre, latterly known as the Hollywood Pacific Theatre, at 6433 Hollywood Blvd. LAHTF will be raising awareness of the importance of this theatre – similarly sized to the Pantages down the street – a 1920s gem which remains shuttered and hidden in plain sight
- Hop on your bike or skate/walk/run on over to the Hollywood Pantages Theatre (6233 Hollywood Blvd.), where you can join them in celebrating CicLAvia–Meet the Hollywoods! Come stop by their Broadway in Hollywood tent in front of the theatre for some fun FREE giveaways. Their box office will be open from 11am-7pm. For more information, please visit
Hollywood Blvd Hub
5653 Hollywood Blvd, LA CA 90028
- The City of Los Angeles Community Investment for Families Department will be providing bicycle safety information, and will be giving away FREE Youth bike helmets and wheel Reflectors (while supplies last).
- Enjoy the clean energy beats provided by The Solar DJs as long as the sun is shining!
- Grab a CicLAvia special popsicle from Nomad Ice Pops, and cool off in the shaded seating area
- Hollywood United Neighborhood Council (HUNC) will offer resources and information on the purpose of a Neighborhood Council, the various ways to get involved and make your voice heard on local issues, and opportunities to submit an application to join the HUNC board.
- Bike Repair brought to you by The Bike Oven
Near the Hub
- The Thai Community Development Center will be set up at Western and Hollywood distributing free PPE such as hand sanitizers, masks, and wipes as well as COVID home antigen test kits. There will also be information about its East Hollywood Farmers' Market, COVID vaccination and PCR testing clinics, CalFresh enrollment, and other programs and services for low-income individuals and families.
East Hollywood Hub
4531 Hollywood Blvd LA CA 90027
- Visit the City Clerk’s booth to make sure you’re registered to vote!
- Complete the kids bike safety skills course and get a free kids helmet (while supplies last) courtesy of CicLAvia.
- Local Neighborhood Councils will be on site sharing resources! Stop by the and visit the Los Feliz and East Hollywood Neighborhood Council booths!
- Stop by the Los Angeles Clean Cities Coalition (LA Sanitation & Environment) booth to learn more about clean transportation and fuel-saving methods, including alternative fuel vehicles and ways to reduce gas consumption. They will have additional resources about incentive and rebate programs and online tools for alternative fuel and electric vehicles.
- Bike Repair brought to you by The Bicycle Kitchen
Near the Hub
- Visit Barnsdall Art Park for a great view of the Griffith Park Observatory. Check out the façade of Frank Lloyd Wright’s Hollyhock House! And at the base of the Park visit the Los Angeles STEM Collective, where they will have information on local STEM programs, resources, and activities for the whole family. Visit their STEM Stations on event day, and answer a brief survey while you’re there and get a FREE limited edition CicLAvia <3 Parks Button!
- Keep an eye out for the Metro Bike Share Cargo Bike near Hollywood & Rodney station. Be sure to say hello, grab some swag, or ask for assistance with bike check outs and returns. Skip the line and plan ahead by downloading the Metro Bike Share app to purchase a pass. Don’t forget to tag @bikemetro on social, and always remember to return your Metro Bike to a station or to a Metro Bike Share team member at either Walk of Fame Hub or West Hollywood Hub to end your trip! Get a 30-day pass during CicLAvia weekend (8/20-8/21 only) for just $5 with code BIKECICLAVIA22 in the app and online to keep riding all month.